Sunday 8 September 2013

The Expertise Experts Conduct Global Webinar on Information Product Strategies to Grow Your Business

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) January 3, 2007

“Information Product Strategies to Grow Your Business: A Surefire Way to Produce Passive Income” is a free webinar that shows independent service professionals, small business owners and entrepreneurs how to turn their expertise into information products. This innovative, interactive event will be held in a virtual conference room at 7:00 p.m. PT on Wednesday, January 10, 2007. The webinar covers the basics of developing passive income through information products and includes: what are information products, why small businesses need them, how to create them and how to market and profit from them.

This is an introductory session that precedes a four-week in-depth webinar beginning in February. The free event is being conducted by the Expertise Experts a partnership composed of Debra Simpson, an expert digital publisher, speaker and podcaster and Andrea Susan Glass, an expert copywriter, copyeditor and award-winning ghostwriter.

“We want to show the typical small business owner how to turn their wisdom into wealth,” said Glass, founder of WritersWay, a professional writing enterprise. “Most independent service professionals trade their time for dollars, max out their income capacity at 40 hours/week or more and are probably burned out. Unless they increase their hourly rate or work even more hours they’ve reached their limit.”

Simpson, founder of Magic In Words, and a former website programmer found many of her clients would have a website sitting in cyberspace, serving as a virtual brochure and nothing more. They would either send prospects to visit it, which probably less than half do, or they practiced the “hope and pray” method of Internet marketing, hoping and praying someone would find them in the search engines or somehow magically land on their page. Most business owners are paying out hosting fees, but not getting anything back to cover costs or make a profit.

“I started realizing there was a way to turn these websites from freeloaders to feeloaders,” said Simpson. “All these service professionals were experts in their field. If I could show them how to turn their expertise into profits by creating information products, they could generate passive income and cut back on their long hours providing services.”

Glass and Simpson, both members of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance, joined forces to create the Expertise Experts. With this venture they plan to teach entrepreneurs how to create information products through webinars, talks and seminars as well as their own information products. And they have a team in place to create information products for clients who don’t want to create them but would like to have them.

Information products are generally digital products such as eBooks, podcasts, e-courses and teleclasses, and also include books, CDs, reports and newsletters. Many successful Internet marketers like Tom Antion, Robert Middleton, Jack Canfield, Alexandra Brown, Corey Rudl and others have all cashed in big time with information products.

Among the many benefits of information products that the webinar will cover include: creating an ongoing passive income stream, expanding a brand and credibility as an expert, having back of the room sales for seminars and talks, and creating products others can sell for commission with affiliate programs. To register for this free event which includes networking, sign up at

About The Expertise Experts

Debra Simpson, an expert digital publisher, speaker and podcaster and Andrea Susan Glass, an expert copywriter, ghostwriter and copyeditor, are the Expertise Experts. Between them, they have over 40 years experience and are considered experts in their fields. They show independent service providers and entrepreneurs how to turn their expertise into passive income through information products. They also develop information products from inception to completion for their clients who do not want to do it themselves. For more information visit


The Expertise Experts Conduct Global Webinar on Information Product Strategies to Grow Your Business

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